Future projects

Future projects

Future projects

As long as the Center’s building has not yet been achieved, it remains a major future project that we hope to achieve it soon. While the increasing number of new cases every day and the increased demand for examinations we hope in the future to introduce (Hb) Electrophrosis and Eliza machines to detect viruses, hormones and immunity, expand the control and emergency section by increasing the number of beds, equipment, oxygen cylinders and its accessories as well as establish of a micro-recovery unit and the introduce X-ray device to the Radiology Department.
In the field of training and rehabilitation, we look forward to establishing a development training center.
We also aspire to:
– Establishing an integrated medical research unit for hereditary blood diseases and seeking with the competent authorities to establish a specialized center for bone marrow transplantation for patients.
– Continue re-claiming to establish the National Center to care of Thalassemia and Other Hemoglobin Disorders.
– Establish branches in all governorates or in central governorates where there are large numbers of patients.
– Establish a blood transfusion unit equipped with the latest equipment to serve patients in need of transfusion.
– Expanding the quality of health services in the center to meet the needs of patients such as blood diseases by a specialist in blood diseases and specialists of glands, hormones, heart, abdominal, bones and others.
– Establish early medical examination and counseling clinics.
– Establish an advanced media center to cover the activities and activities of the association and to spread awareness of health and education through the available modern media.