A drop of blood saves a human life

A drop of blood  saves a human life

On Monday, November 15th, 2021, an outdoor blood transferring campiagn for the thalassemia and blood heritage diseases, was held by YSTH in the cooperation with the National Center of blood transferring & Research. The campiagn, which was liked and welcomed by the patients’ families and the National Center of blood transferring & Research team, took place in front of the association’s gate where people gathered and participated.

During the campaign, which was launched by Dr. Adnan Al Hakeemi, the technical director of the National Center of blood transferring & Research and the medical cadre which was accompanied with him, Mr. Jameel Al.Khayyati, the association’s general director, thanked all those who participated in the campaign in general and the National Center of blood transferring & Research team in particular, in addition to the Social Affairs & Work office- Sana’a Secretariat, the blood donors and the association’s team and the administrative staff for their humanitarian active participation on this volunteering day.

Mr. Al.Khayyati also appealed all the society’s classes to continuously and actively participate in such campaigns in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the association is looking forward to holding such campaigns in the universities, colleges and institutes to provide the patients’ needs of the required blood unites.