Tag Archives: of

A week full of awareness of the dangers of thalassemia and genetic blood disorders, and the importance of a premarital examination

A week full of awareness of the dangers of thalassemia and genetic blood disorders, and the importance of a premarital examination

A week full of awareness of the dangers of thalassemia and genetic blood disorders, and the importance of a premarital examination Students of the Cultural Committee of Kuwait High School and students...

Honoring the Minister of Health for His Excellency in permanent standing with Thalassemia and Genetic Blood Disorders.

Honoring the Minister of Health for His Excellency in permanent standing with Thalassemia and Genetic Blood Disorders.

Honoring the Minister of Health for His Excellency in permanent standing with Thalassemia and Genetic Blood Disorders. On Tuesday 9/15/2020, the Minister of Public Health and Population, Prof. Taha Ah...

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